A summer in Goa (Part 2) – North Goa

A crowded town bus from Madgaon (South Goa) took us to Panaji (North Goa) at 8 pm on Day 2. The crowded bus set the precedent for the next 2 days – the bustling city was a rude shock after the peaceful village. The Airbnb house was further up North, in Arpora near Baga beach…

A summer in Goa (Part 1)- South Goa

A summer trip to Goa! I was pumped when my friend, asked if I was interested.Why would I not be? I replied in affirmative without blinking an eye (only after checking with the office folks though). The 4-day 4-girl vacation plan included a 2-day South goa stay and a 2-day North goa stay. We duly…